Regen USB Compatibility

Regen USB Compatibility

Synclavier Regen has been tested and now works with more class-compliant USB Audio interfaces. Here is a list of interfaces that we or our customers have tested and work well. Please contact us if you have an interface not on this list that we should add. Have one...

Synclavier Regen Press Kit

Links Etc Product page: Purchase page: Specifications: Quick start page:...
Genesis of Regen

Genesis of Regen

Due to its price tag, size, and power consumption, the Synclavier II was always the reserve of pro studios. As an individual, you’d have to achieve the kind of success Michael Jackson, Frank Zappa, or Sting enjoyed, to justify owning one. It’s estimated just over one...
Regen Now Shipping

Regen Now Shipping

Many thanks to all our Regen customers who have pre-ordered, since its launch in October. We thank you for your patience and hereby announce that we have begun shipping!

Desktop Synthesizer launched

Synclavier Digital is here at Synthplex this weekend, introducing our latest product, a new desktop synthesizer. You can find out more about this product here: Synclavier Regen
Synclavier Go! comes to iPhone

Synclavier Go! comes to iPhone

Synclavier Digital is proud to announce that Synclavier Go! is now a Universal App From v1.30.20 Synclavier Go! can be run on iPhones too. All the great functionality of Go! on iPad is present when run on an iPhone or iPod Touch including soundfiles, iCloud support,...

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